Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Stardust ONE (Outer Nebula Echo)

The last two reigning kingdoms in space have conflict that defies all logic, the war between the Magea, born magicians with the ability to control the elements, and the Alcali, who learned ages ago how to use science for equal power against the magicians Two forceful kingdoms parted for centuries by the Treaty of Dust. The two kingdoms have long been able to capture the energy of the stars, using the energy to power whole planets when used correctly. But in the wrong hands capable of chaos beyond belief. when they first started using the stars for power people found at the core of the stars essence is life in the form of dust. living dust. after years of using the dust for power a solem man in his everyday work touched the dust and it fused with him. thus, the dusters were born; with unlimited power and the ability do whatever. Word got out and people came from all corners of the galaxy to see if they had the genes to become infused. Any who were lucky enough to become dusters would be swept into a life unknown to those  Anyone who becomes infused with this power ultimately becomes neutral to all and a dear friend to those in need.

After centuries of being

story of solem man (first infused)
story of the crossbreeds.
reason why dusters left. (another ascension maybe from stars to suns?)
existing conflict between two kingdoms
   maybe correlate between the real world and the stories worlds. legalization of pot, gay marraige, a new race in control of everything.
growing conflicts between two kingdoms
conflicts between pure and crossbreeds.
story of the star.
How new dusters are found. (Ship?)

Magea worlds are mostly overrun with jungle. habitats often found close to water or hidden deep within forest. their powers can be depleted if without rest for too long. powers always come back. with great study one could become very powerful.  have harnessed the power of the star

Alcali have harnessed the power of the stars and of the magea, using both in scientific ways to both protect and retailiate. their alchemaical ways are just as powerful and dangerous as those of the magea though the magea would not think so. in the appearance of their worlds one would say they are far more advanced but they are close to destroying several of their planets atmospheres due to pollution and have yet to find a solution.


"Ma! I'm off to work! Where are you?"  Caden can suddenly hear the sound of disaster in a far off room his mom uses as a laboratory.

the lab door opens with billows of smoke and tiny floating stars softly fading as they spread out. in the middle of it all, swatting the smoke and remaining stars away, his mother coughs at him, "leaving so soon? and cracks a smile. It's my first day and she's sure they wont mind if im late because she made food.
i just grin back, "it's my first day, I don't want to be late. plus you already fed me."
i know she's just really reminded of dad today. two years after i was born he went to work at the outer stations, the ship his crew took never arrived and to this day the government says it's top secret. after a while everyone just gave up and held a service in their memories.

you're such a good boy, you should go out more, and now you have a job. I know, i know, stop worrying. Just, have a good first day."
"I will, mom. I love you. hey what were you working on in there?"
"Oh nothing, just a little surprise. i want to be prepared you know... for when I have grand kids. who knows, maybe you'll meet a girl at the station?"
With a slight chuckle caden pleads, "Ma, stop, I'll meet the person I'm supposed to be with when it happens."
"i know, I know, And you'll give me lots of grandkids." smiling deeply, she gives caden a kiss on the cheek and ushers him to the door, exclaiming about how much work needs to be done around the house as she waves him off with tears in her eyes.